Clinical Genomics Uppsala Order Portal

This portal is for submitting project applications for services provided by Clinical Genomics Uppsala (CGU).
Project requests to CGU must have a clear clinical and/or translational profile.
CGU reserves the right to decline projects.

Start with making an account or log in with your user credentials, then fill in the required details in the form
"Request a meeting" below. Visit our homepages for more information about what we do at CGU.

Request a meeting

Request a meeting with a project coordinator at CGU

Project request - External projects

Application form for CGU projects - service for translational/clinical research

Project request - Internal project

Form for internal staff projects at CGU - Internal and healthcare development

Clinical Genomics Uppsala (CGU) is hosted by Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab). See the CGU web site for more information.

CGU is supported by SciLifeLab, Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital.

                                  SciLifeLab                   Uppsala University                   Uppsala University Hospital

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